Getting Started In Real Estate With No Money Or Credit

How to make money wholesaling for beginners Hello All, We appreciate you taking the time to learn how to make money with Real Estate. This is not a quick way to make a lot of money. You can get rich quickly by buying a lottery ticket. Real estate is the main source of wealth in this country. You are probably thinking, but I don't have any credit or cash. While having good credit and cash is a great way to get started in Real Estate it is not essential. While we all have 24 hours in a given day, some people manage to get more done in 24 hours. You don't need credit or money to start Sedona Az Realtor real estate. These are time and information. All you need to be successful is time and information. You will need to think creatively, as you don't have the cash or credit to buy your first property. Wholesaling is one of the best ways to get into real estate. Wholesaling means that you travel and ta...